The vaporizedhydrogen peroxide transfer hatch developed independently by PEA in Germany sterilizesall exposed surfaces in the transfer hatch through integrated vaporizedhydrogen peroxide sterilization, replacing the traditional ultravioletdisinfection. With this method which is more thorough, it can achieve thesterilization rate of 6-log. The transfer hatch is equipped with highefficiency filter laminar flow protection and double doors interlocked toprevent cross contamination.
Hydrogenperoxide transfer hatch has been widely used in developed countries in Europeand America. The killing rate of VHP to Bacillus stearothermophilus(ATCC12980/ATCC7953) is 6-log. Vaporized hydrogen peroxide is sterilized at lowtemperature and normal pressure and is suitable for low temperaturesterilization products. Vaporized hydrogen peroxide has good materialcompatibility, easy to decompose, no harmful residue, and finally decomposeinto water and oxygen.
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