To facilitate optimal process control limiting substrates must be identified, moni- tored and controlled. Amino acids are often critical substances, especially in mam- malian processes. Measurement and thus monitoring is tedious and rarely done...
Process control is a central task in bioprocess development and production. Apart from common control tasks including pH, temperature or dissolved oxygen, more advanced control tasks must be mastered. Real-time availability of analytical data is ...
The terminology related to thermal sterilization is different from each other in the guidelines. Now the commonly used terminology of thermal sterilization is explained. The commonly used terminology of thermal sterilization is as follows.
Decontamination of a BSL3 laboratory by hydrogen peroxide fumigation using three different surrogates for Bacillus anthracis spores
The Code for Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Production (revised in 2010) was revised mainly by referring to the EU GMP and combining with the actual situation in China. There are 14 chapters and 313 articles. At the same time, the appendix of ster
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